SEO Packages

We've put together the following SEO packages to hep you decide how to start and what's right for you.

Throughout the process we walk you through what was done, why it was done that way and also help you understand just how easy it is to manage your own SEO going forward.

If you're busy with your business we can manage it all for you but the bttom line is that you will have a better understanding of how your SEO works and if you need to change aything you can, easily.

Getting Started

A Free SEO Report

Free SEO Report:

This covers the basics such as the home page layout and design, things a search engine will look for but more importantly the ease of use of the page for the end user.

It's important to look at a website and use it. How quickly does it load, does the information presented make sense and flow naturally and other considerations like the ease of accessing information through the menu or search if it's a more complex site.

The page will be looked at in depth and recommendations will be made based on what is seen, what is unseen (the code itself) and what the anticipated use is.

Other elements such as the technical content of the page, the structure, format and if the page is setup correctly for any off page SEO that may follow, how it will look on social platforms when shared and whether the content meets the target audience requirements.

All pretty basic stuff really but to have it all presented in one document for review can be priceless.

This will also include a 30 minute phone or video call where the report will be walked through so you have a thorough understanding of what was found and the significance of each element as it impacts on your online presence.

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